Monday, May 12, 2008

Words of Encouragement

Are we sometimes like this plane? It has all the capabilities to soar, but it is grounded and unable to see all the "visual" possibilities. (Taken at the O'Hare Airport, by Jewel D. Williams).

What can I say for you? With what can I compare you, O Daughter of Jerusalem? To what can I liken you, that I may comfort you, O Virgin Daughter of Zion? Your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you? The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The oracles they gave you were false and misleading. All who pass your way clap their hands at you; they scoff and shake their heads at the Daughter of Jerusalem: "Is this the city that was called the perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth?" - Lamentations 2:13-15

What can you see? Is the vision clear? The word Lamentation actually means to express grief or to lament. The prophet Jeremiah laments over the condition of the people of God. They have listened to the many words that have allowed them to do things their own way, but have rejected the truth of God's word.

Because of their disobedience, they find themselves in need of comfort and care. It is the same for us today. If we continue to be disobedient to God's truth, we find ourselves in places of discomfort.

The people listened to those that spoke words that allowed them to feel comfortable in their sins. The messages they listened to allowed them to while they may have sound good to them, were not good for them. It is the truth for us today. If we are going to stay clear of being in a place of captivity, we must have clear vision and see what God is showing us.

I flew to Oklahoma this weekend and as I was sitting on the plane I began to think about our visual, how we see. When I first got on the plane, all I could see was other planes around me. I couldn't see ahead of me, below me, my visual ability was limited. It was not until we took off that I began to be able to see more of what was around me.

It is not until we "take off" that we are able to see clearer. We must take off the sins that so easily beset us. We must take off our attitudes, our wrong beliefs and our fleshly pursuits. When we to that, we then can be healed. We do not want the prophet Jeremiah's lament to upon our lives. We do not want his words to ring true in our lives. We do not want to be in need of healing, but unable to come out of our captivities because we have been running after the wrong vision.

Today I pray that we see clearly what God has for us to see. Lord help us to see your truth and to discern what would lead us into captivity. Lord today give us your vision so that we will not perish.

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