This was our annual Avon Luncheon. It is to honor the representatives that have sold over $10,000 each year. While this was a banquet about business, I am always seeking godly wisdom in everything I do.
This is a picture of two repesentatives Robert and Lynette. Robert sold Avon before, left and came back with the help of "Super" representative Lynette Rhymes. The spiritual principle I see in this is, we must be willing to extend a hand to others so that they too can grow and be able to come and "feast" at the banquet table. No not the Avon table, but at the banquet table that God has prepared for those that love him.
These were two newer representatives that I believe Lynette is mentoring. As she helps them to grow their business, they too will turn around and help someone else. That is what God wants us to do for the kingdom. When he gives us the tools we need to grow, then we are to turn around and help someone else grow and the process continues.
This is me with my Avon District sales manager, Barbara Sanders. She is a wonderful woman. She gives to all that are around her. She is willing to invest in others. Not just where Avon is concerned. She invested in me. That is what God wants us to do with others. Are you willing to invest in people so that they can reach their full potential?
This is me with my great and dear friend, Lynette. Lynette has kept me from leaving Avon on a few times when I was ready to let go. Sometimes we need those encouragers that will help us hold on. I have invested 26 years with Avon. Can you image that (I know you're thinking you don't even look that old!)
These women are also part of the Avon family. The woman in black, is one of the top salers in Avon for our district. She sales over $40,000 a year. Yet, she is still very sweet and encouraging. Isn't that what God wants us to be, sweet and humble? It does not matter how high we rise, he still wants us to stay approachable to those coming behind.