Thursday, May 15, 2014

WKIC - Unashamed News @ 7

If you missed seeing the production of WKIC, you can still support the youth of Iglesia by buying a DVD for $10. All the proceeds go to supporting the youth. Please support our youth doing great things for Christ. For more information on how to get your DVD e-mail us @ Once you reach out to us, we will let you know the different options for getting your DVD. Thanks again!

(One of the props from the DVD)

Telling your story - Writing Workshop Series

Telling your story - Writing Workshop Series

Today's addition to our Writing Workshop Series steps back and takes more time with how to tell your story. The first addition to this series gave you a overview of the entire process. Now we want to take you step by step through the process of telling your story and becoming a published author. So where do we begin?

It begins with you asking yourself a few questions. Why do you want to write? Do you want to write because you desire to become famous? Do you desire to write because it seems to be a career move many people are making? Or do you want to write because you can't see yourself "not writing"? These questions may seem silly our pointless, but they are vital to you understanding why you want to write. If the idea is to write because everyone else is doing it or you think it will bring you fame, let me cut out some of the hardship, this isn't a guaranteed way of becoming famous. For every known author you see on the bookshelves there are many, many more names you may never hear or come to know. So why write then if you can't guarantee success?

The reason I write is because it's a part of who I am. I can't see myself "not writing". I don't do it because I am expecting to get rich and famous. I write because if there is only one person I was able to help, then all the work I did was worth it. Writing is about having a passion for what you are writing. If you don't have a passion for what you are writing, then walk away now.

You're still here? Good. Then that means you do have a passion for your story or what you desire to say. Now that we have weeded out those that are looking at writing to be a quick money maker we can begin. You may be asking so what's the next steps I take to make sure I tell my story, and do it well?

Interestingly enough, this picture (above) said it is a third grade model for writing. This is a great model for any age and it is key to writing well. You start first with your idea (think). What do you want to say? Why do you want to say it? What do you hope to accomplish in the life of the reader by saying it? You need to have a "think session" with yourself. 

Different people come up with ideas in different ways. Ideas come to me in conversations, when reading the Bible or other books, when talking to people, when watching movies, just to name a few. I remember when I was working on homework one day and I had just taken a break to talk to a friend, Rev. Arnetta Ivy. We were talking about being fearful and making excuses about doing things God told us to do. We laughed and joked about how we each had our own "Moses moments". After I got off the phone, instantly the idea for my third book, "Path of the Preacher" developed. 

I quickly wrote down the idea for the book. I wrote down what I wanted to say. I looked up scriptures that I thought I would use to validate the points I was making and then I created my outline.  After I had this think session with myself, I began to "write". That's the next stage. You will never have material until you write. I hear it so often from individuals telling me the great stories they have, but when I ask them are they writing them down, the answer is no, it's all in there head. You can never get it published until you at least start writing it.

I mentioned before how I write. I try to schedule time to write. Just like we schedule most other things, we more than likely won't write if we do not make it a priority in our lives. As you write you can determine how you want to "edit". You can write a chapter or several pages and then edit it to see if your thoughts were clearly stated. You can also wait until you finish and edit the entire manuscript. Whatever way works best for you, the key is don't miss the step of editing your work. 

Part of what will happen as you edit, is you will "polish" your writing. You will make your sentences clearer and your thoughts flow better. There is nothing harder than struggling to try and understand what someone is trying to convey to you. I am a very visual person so if a story tells me something I hold that thought in my mind and I am looking for the story to answer that question or to tell me why it was important for you to tell me that point. For example, what in your childhood will help me understand the events you are now presenting? If they two never come together, it can be frustrating because you've left your reading holding onto facts that really weren't vital to the telling of your story.  Case in point, if I tell about an event in my life where someone called me a liar, in the upcoming story I have to tell how that scar affected me. I would then tell that when God called me to preach one of the reasons why I didn't want to accept was because I didn't want anyone to call me a liar. In telling this I make sure I bring back the point I made earlier from my youth. Make sure your stories connect and don't leave events dangling without closure.

Don't limit yourself to only telling events in your own life. What ideas and thoughts are important to you? What things interest you? Think outside your comfort zone for stories and ideas. That's how my fourth book, "I Soar: The Chicken is out of the Coop" came about. One day I was reading the Bible and I read about the eagle. A question came to my mind and I began searching to answer that question. In the process I began to think about what other bird could I compare an eagle against to see clearer what God wants His people to be. That's when I believe God spoke to me to search the characteristics of the chicken. So for about a year I continued to look at the differences between the eagle and the chicken. When I finished my research then I began to write. Don't think every book and every idea has to be written in days, weeks or months. Let your ideas flow and follow them until they reach their destination. 

Once you have an idea, be ready to move it from a thought to something paper worthy. You should always be improving on your ideas, your work and your writing. I found something interesting as a college adjunct. I have graded many papers. What I have learned is those that become better writers are those that are willing to listen to suggestions to improve their papers and not take it as personal disapproval. If you are not ready for someone to tell you have to improve on your work, you are really not ready to be an author. As great as you may think you write, we all can improve.  We all need help in the process of taking our work from thoughts to a finished product. Don't take the critique personal, take it as help to make your work better.

I saw this and thought what a great idea. What are you thinking? Think it out, say it, share it. If you can share it or say it and it appears to have value, then begin to write it. Write it and then read it back to yourself. If it isn't clear, then polish it, edit it and make it better. Once you can read it and it makes sense, then others will be able to read it and understand it as well.

You have a story to tell, so make sure you tell it well.

Rev. Jewel D. Williams, Creative Director for Tri-Production affiliated with Williams Innovative Network (W.I.N.), where we help people WIN with Christ.

More information will be coming soon on publishing packages through Tri-Production. Join us again soon for our next lesson in our Writing Workshop Series.