It seems as if a plane is too heavy to fly. However, they not only fly but are able to soar to great heights. It is a reminder that you and I when weighted down by sin are unable to soar. Yet, when something happens inside, we are not only able to fly, but we are able to soar to great heights in the Lord!
Show us your unfailing love, O LORD, and grant us your salvation. I will listen to what God the LORD will say; he promises peace to his people, his saints—but let them not return to folly. Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land - Psalm 85:7-9
God's Promises. Don't Live beneath the Promise. My daughter received a full four year scholarship to Howard University. However, there are requirements for that scholarship. The school requires something for this gift. They require her to keep her grade point average at the right standard. It would be shame if she lived beneath the requirements and therefore forfeit the promise of scholarship.
This means she cannot do whatever she wants and still think she can maintain this requirement. This is the same thing the psalmist wants us to understand. We have been given a wonderful gift, the gift of salvation from God. With this gift he promises peace. The psalmist turns right in the midst of this and says, "let us not turn back to folly". He also says "salvation is near those that fear him."
In other words, do not think you will be able to rely on the promises of God if you are not completely living for him. Yes it is true that he rains on the just and the unjust. Yes it is true that he gives his mercy to whomever he wills. But do not be foolish to think you can rely on God's promises if you are not fulfilling his requirements. It would be a shame to have all these wonderful promises before you, yet living beneath the promise, never obtaining them.
God has "paid" the cost for us so that we do not have a debt we will not be able to pay waiting for us at the end of our journey. My daughter can't pay the cost of Howard, but the cost has been paid for her. So when she gets to the end of her journey there she will not have a debt she cannot pay. God wants you and I to follow his commandments closely because he has paid our debt and he wants us to come to the end of our journey "debt free". This is his promise to us, if we just obey him. Let's live so that our lives don't fall short of the promises and then we are required to pay the debt we cannot ever afford.
I pray for us today, that we would rejoice in knowing that God promises us peace and the freedom from the debt of our sins. Let us take advantage of this opportunity. Let us also hear the words of the psalmist, let us not go back into a place of folly. Let us live for God so that we do not live beneath what God has for us. Sin will keep you from obtaining the promises. Don't let sin cancel your promise of being set free, and debt-free!