Monday, September 21, 2009

The week in Review

The Image of God: Why Did God Create Me (part 5)?
Written by Minister Jewel D. Williams
December 11, 2008


Towner sums up with his comment, “We are God’s creatures and chosen partners in the work of the creation. We are given ever greater opportunity to be bearers of the divine image, that is, positive, responsible stewards in the world, until the day that God makes all things new.”
[1] Man was made in the image of God. This image is found in all humanity. Sin does not destroy the image of God nor does he lose it. However, sin does distort the image of God. The image is man’s ability to have a relationship with God. Sin changes that relationship from a loving one to a hostile one causing man to become God’s enemy. God’s love for mankind caused him to send Jesus so that man could be reconciled back into a right relationship. When man is reconciled to God, man can then live out the purpose for why he was created. Man was created to worship and have fellowship with God. Christ’s gift of the cross allows man to become more like the “son” and therefore to reflect more of the restored image within. Why did God create me? He created man to have a right, loving relationship. He created man to be his partner in the world as man creates more of his kind. That translates for the believer that God requires one to reflect the Son so that others can be drawn and in doing so they too can be restored to a right fellowship.

[1] Towner, “Clones of God,” 356.

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