Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Week In Review

A woman that seeks – marks of a virtuous woman

Many have preached about the virtuous woman (Proverb 31) and I have heard the consensus from women and that is, “I cannot keep up with that woman, she does too much!” It can be overwhelming to think, I have to be “THIS” woman? Yet, what is important for us to see about this woman is more than simply what she does, but how is she able to do it?

We have read the scripture, but let’s take a quick inventory of a righteous woman:

1. She is priceless (vs. 10)

2. Her husband trust her completely (vs. 11)

3. She is her husband’s support (vs. 11)

4. She looks for great deals on clothing (vs. 13)

5. She willingly goes distances for great deals on food for her family (vs. 14).

6. She rises early to start the day (vs. 15)

7. She invests in ventures that allow for her families finances to grow (vs. 16).

8. She has energy to do her work (she must exercise regularly) (vs. 17)

9. She does whatever needs to be done to keep her family supplied with what they need (vs. 18-19).

10. She cheerfully gives her service to the building of God’s kingdom (vs. 20).

11. She provides for her family in all season (vs. 21-22).

12. Because of her life, her husband gets to brag to his friends, coworkers and those he fellowship with among the people of God (vs. 23)

13. She is an independent businesswoman (she makes and/or sells things to earn extra money or in our day, she has a job or career) (Vs. 24)

14. She has a good reputation and is respected by others (vs. 25).

15. She has a hopeful spirit; she looks to the future with joy (vs. 25).

16. She has control over her tongue and her actions. And because of it her family praises her. (Vs. 26-28).

17. Her husband not only brags to his friends, but he tells her often how much she means to him, and that there is no other wife for him, but her (vs. 29). – Note to men, if you have a wife doing all these things, then you need to make sure you are doing this verse often.

18. A virtuous woman, a righteous woman praises God and because of it, is rewarded for her sacrifice to her family (vs. 30-31)

So the question is, what does virtuous mean? It is showing moral excellence and righteousness, goodness. So what makes this woman righteous and good? Verse 30 of this section of scripture gives us the source of her righteousness, and that is God.

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. – Proverbs 31:30

So you are this woman if you are a woman that fears the Lord. And if you looked at your own life, and counted up all the individual things you do, and how important they are to building your household, you would really be surprised at what you do. Many of us look at this woman and think I can’t do that, because we underestimate our value of what we do in our daily lives for our husbands and children.

Is this true? Can we really be this “Virtuous Woman?” Come back next week for the next installment.

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