Friday, May 9, 2008

Words of Encouragement

Like this butterfly was once cocooned, God has some of us cocooned because he wants to bring something beauty from us. He wants us to stop being a "ground dweller" and to "soar" higher than we ever imaged (picture taken by James S. Williams).

You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
"If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever
—John 14:14-16

God's Promises. Jesus Provides. I believe this is a good scripture for us to end the week with. Jesus says that we can ask for anything in his name and he will do it. He also says if we love him we will obey his commands and that will give us access to his Father.

The Father gives to us the counselor (the Holy Spirit) who is with us always. I don't know about you, but this is just what I needed today. You know how it is when you are having one of those times where everything seems to be coming down on you. Not enough money. Too much to do. Sick in your body. Don't know how you are going to get everything all done. And to top it all off, the enemy seems to be playing racketball with your thoughts as they go back and forth.

You just want to sometimes raise your hands and say, I have had enough. Yet, something inside softly speaks up and says, "..., just ask me for what you need." So then you say, Lord help me. I don't know how I'm going to do everything that needs to be done. I don't have enough money, I'm sick in my body and I am tired of the enemy messing with my mind. So you ask, "God I need you."

And in his God like way, he begins to remind you of who he is. He is the promise keeper. God reminds you that he will never leave you nor forsake you. He reminds you that he has a way in the desert. He is the cool refreshing stream in a barren land. He is that hightower, that fortress that protects you. He is the one that hides you under his wing so that nothing can come nigh to you. He is the lover of my soul.

Today, let us pray for each other. There are many going through some dry places and cannot see themselves through. Yet, let us band together in prayer and ask God to minister to the needs of his children. And when we pray, let us pray today as if we believe this scripture to be true. Let us pray for it in Jesus name and he says he will do it. His word is true. So when you go to worship this Sunday, go with an expectation that God is going to meet you there. He is going to meet you there to give to you that which you are seeking from him. He is the Faithful One, and I love him...

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