Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Week in Review

Jewel's Gems
“The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth”
Originally preached by Jewel D. Williams at Faith COG 8/06
(Part II)

In this book, the author said, if Disney made a movie of what is taking place in our churches, it would be called, “HONEY WERE SHRINKING THE GOSPEL”. How is this happening? First, we have grown into a Christian society that does not present the gospel in its entirety.

We either remove the cross from the story because we feel it is too much and it is not necessary to the story of Jesus, or we do not tell of Christ resurrection, because we don’t truly believe it. Or we simply water down who Christ is and make him of no affect. We see it all the time, many preachers, writers and speakers that come across the airwaves that preach a softer, gentler Christ so that the people can stomach the gospel.

They preach the spiritually correct Christ. Or either we have the “ten easy step messages”, those are the ones that tell you how you can have wealth, health and success, but they never say you have to change or let go of anything you are doing in your life. They tell you that you can have it all, without ever telling you that you need to repent of your sins, where is that in the Bible? I heard of a popular preacher who said he doesn’t mention sin in his messages. He also said how people of all religions say they enjoy his sermons. That is because he isn’t preaching the gospel, for the gospel either calls you to repentance or it will offend you because you refuse to heed or change your ways.
Or we have created a new doctrine of salvation that is full of heavy man-made “to do,” types of things, and because of it, we make it hard for individuals to understand the simplicity of salvation. I read about a well-respected theologian who was asked to explain in detail his understanding on Biblical things. He stated this, Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. He gave his answer from the simplicity of the Bible. Jesus came to save souls and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We have become a society that is shrinking the gospel of Jesus Christ. What is the truth, uncut and unchanged?

In Colossians chapter 1:21-22, it presents what the simply truth is “And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled. In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:” The truth of this simply message is this, the cross was necessary for your salvation. Without Jesus’ death on the cross you or I cannot stand before God, we are guilty before him and are on our way to hell. We were enemies of God, we were not on his side, but stood against him as one in another camp. Yet when we should have received death for being an enemy, we were instead invited into his camp and given life instead.

On the cross with Jesus was nailed every sin that men commit against God and against each other. So whatever sins you do and whatever sins have been done against you, were nailed on the cross. Jesus took them because you and I could not pay the cost of the offense of our sins. You and I were guilty. It doesn’t matter what you have done, nor does it matter how good you think you are, because even if you are not as bad as the next person, if you have failed to keep even one of the commandments, then you are guilty of breaking the law of God and you stand accused on all points of the law. The interesting thing is this, if it were not for God's prevenient grace you or I would not even know we were in need of a savior. This simply means God gave the same Holy Spirit that indwells in us (the believer) to help to draw us (the sinner), to prevent us from going to hell. He offers mercy to us and beacons us to come to Christ. So he helps us in those moments of clarity to realize how depraved we are so we can say yes to his calling. And do not think you have forever to refuse him. Today could be your last day that God’s Spirit will beacon you and then you are on your way to hell because you have refused God’s grace.

Reflection: Do you think there comes a time when a person can refuse God’s grace and miss the opportunity for heaven?

If you missed part I of this message you can go to "Week in Review" on April 13, 2008 to read the first part.

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