Jewel's Gems
“The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth”
Originally preached by Jewel D. Williams at Faith COG 8/06
Colossians (READ 2:6 – 23)
“The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth”
Originally preached by Jewel D. Williams at Faith COG 8/06
Colossians (READ 2:6 – 23)
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than Christ” – Colossians 2:8
This letter was written by Paul to warn the people of the Jewish Zealots who pressed the necessity of observing the ceremonial law, and to fortify them against the mixture of the Gentile philosophy (worldly beliefs) with their Christian principles. In other words, Paul is cautioning them against deceptive words. The way Satan spoils souls is by beguiling them, deceiving them. He deceives them and then by doing so, he slays them. He could not ruin us if he did not cheat us and he could not cheat us but by our own fault and foolishness to listen to his lies.
Paul also writes this letter to warn them against those that try to persuade them to worship angels. We see this today, the fascination of individuals to angels as the messengers of God, and not looking to the true God for the answers to life. This letter is two fold, to assure the Colossian (as well as the Laodicians, who are supposed to receive a copy of this letter) of Paul’s interest and care. He wants them to be fully receptive to Christ in their midst. The second reason involves false teaching and teachers who may be misleading some in the church. Their arguments sound impressive, but are based on human traditions and basic principles of the world, instead of Christ. Paul’s concern was for the people to stay grounded in the truth of God. Paul presents this letter to fight against heresy (falsehood) at work. Some believed in a form of legalism, that their works rather than God’s free gift of grace was what was needed. He sends this letter because some believed harsh treatment of the body was a means of earning divine favor and growing spiritually (if you do some study you see this belief is part of some of the Hindu religions, self sacrifice, self-mutilation and self-denial). He was calling for them to hold on to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of God.
I read a book about how we present the gospel to individuals today. In this book, the author said, if Disney made a movie of what is taking place in our churches, it would be called, “HONEY WE’RE SHRINKING THE GOSPEL”. How is this happening?
Reflection: How do you think we are shrinking the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Come back for part II of the message, The Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
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