Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Photo Gallery

After our trolley ride, we went into the resort to see their Christmas display.

This display was one of the many ones we saw inside the resort.

There was also a display of gingerbread houses. This was one that was extremely detailed. This was one of our favorites.

We took a trolley ride after dinner on Christmas to see the Christmas lights that were on the property. The tour took about 15 minutes but everyone had a great time.

When we went on a sleigh ride, we saw the horses at the "Barn".

It was cold on the ride, but we made sure we dressed for the weather.

When we checked in, we decided to take family pictures in front of the fire place.

It was nice having us all together for the holiday. The girls enjoyed their older sister being home from college.

Words of Encouragement

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. - Psalm 105:1

Reflections. Year in review. We have come to the end of this year. As I sat the other day thinking about this year I thought about how much I need to thank God for what he has done. I want to be transparent today so that maybe someone may find hope as 2009 approaches.

In 2008 I faced many difficulties. I faced emotional difficulties. I had to seek God to help me through some of the emotional difficulties that have surfaced from my past. At times during the year things would come upon me and the enemy of my soul would try and used these things to condemn me and to make me doubt what God could do in my life.

I would have to battle through these times but it was God's word that would help me overcome them. "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Cor. 10:3-5

I would hold on to the word of God to remind me that this battle is not mine and it will not be won through natural warfare. I go into 2009 with the hope and faith that all the emotional hurts from 2008 and before will be completely healed never to rise again. All the scares will be completely healed. I have seen how God has healed many of the hurts from my past and how he has grown me in the process of the release. So today I send encouragement to someone facing emotional hurt. That which is a reality now does not have to stay that way. What has hurt you or burden you (even if for years) does not have to have the power over you anymore. God's power is what releases the captives from all the hurt. Make that a pray of yours as you go into the new year. Ask God to release you from any emotional hurts that hinder you from worshipping him fully. Now when he does, be reminded that in order for the healing to take place, the hurts must first be revealed. They must be uncovered. It will be difficult to allow God to do that at first, but know that he does it so that you can find total freedom in him.

Another area that I reflected on was my financial difficulty this year. I do not mean that I simply did not have money for "stuff", but I mean there have been months where I did not have enough money to buy food or to pay my bills. These last few months have been the most difficulty. I have stood in the refrigerator looking at the emptiness and wondering when this season would pass? Yet let me share with you what I have learned in this year. In the earlier part of spring the Lord asked me about my fear. The fear he wanted me to look at was regarding tithing.

I know we often look at tithing as a "money thing", yet God wanted to show me something greater. The Lord showed me that fear was keeping me from total trust. He showed me that my fear about my finances was making me become doubtful. That doubt was leading to lack of trust or faith in what He could do. I made up my mind at that very moment I would not allow doubt or lack of trust (faith) to ever be what stood in the way of my total trust in God.

At that moment I began to give my tithes (regularly) no matter what my situation looked like. I also knew that I could not do this all by myself, so I asked a friend to be my accountability partner. I told her what my struggle was and asked her to call me each month before church to make sure I had my tithes. I was willing to be transparent and not worry about what others would think about me because I wanted to have the freedom from this fear.

I want to be clear I would tithe before, however whenever things become hard I would battle about giving my tithes and sometimes I wouldn't because I did not have the money. At that point that the Lord showed me about hindering what he wanted to do in my life, I have tithe no matter what my situation has looked like. It has been difficult, yet God has been faithful.

I give you an example. Christmas. I had no money and I was not sure what I would do for my family to help us have a wonderful time together. I didn't even have money to get the fixings for dinner, but I knew I would trust God. I was invited to dinner on Monday the 22nd so I was thankful because we were able to eat for the first day of that week. Before we got to Christmas, I had pretty much decided that if we could just be together that would be good enough. We had talked about it the year before, about trying to go somewhere but that was not going to happen. Until some friends became an avenue of blessing for us.

Some friends invited us to Lake Geneva for Christmas. We were able to go and only had to pay $21 for the cleaning fee for the usage of the place for two nights. They provided breakfast and dinner and we had a great time. I thank God for allowing us this opportunity to have a great Christmas. I shared this because I know that there is someone else out there that is struggling financially. You do not know where your money is going to come from. You do not know if you will be able to pay your rent, get food for your family and your situation looks bleak. I want to encourage you to make your prayer for 2009 one for God to show you his hand in your situation. Give thanks to God for even in the difficulties God still shows he cares for those he love.

My situation has not changed, but I have. I have learned to trust God. I have even been able to help those in worse situations than myself. Not out of my abundance, but even out of my own need and lack. That's God!

The last thing I want to share in hopes of helping someone else is my walk this year. There are times when things seem to be going well and you feel the presence of God in everything you do. There are also times when you feel as if you are alone and wonder is God still with me? I have had those times this year. I have wondered, Lord am I effective? Do the words I say or the encouragement I try to give do they really matter? Is what I'm doing relevant? At those moments of self-doubt the Lord has been so wonderful to me. He has reminded me that my obedience is pleasing to him.

When I have had to complete the difficult assignments and others did not understand me, he has reminded me that he knew my heart and that I was pleasing to him. When I have felt like I have had to stand alone, he reminded me he was there with me.

So why do I share this struggle with you? I share it for this reason, the enemy of our soul wants us to feel we are useless and that we have nothing to give to others. I come to encourage you that you do. God requires obedience from us. If we willing give ourselves to him he will and does wonderful things in us and through us. God helped me through the battles I have had regarding doing the Words of Encouragement. I have often battled the thoughts that no one really wants to keep reading what you have to say. The enemy has even said, look you are not getting the amount of traffic to your site like this person or that person. So he says, you might as well stop.

Then God reminds me you keep giving what I have given to you. You cannot see the changes or the affects your encouragement has had on others. You keep trusting me and out of your obedience I will make changes. So even thought I cannot see the difference I am making, I keep on because I know God wants me to be obedient to him. So today let me encourage someone to keep on giving what God has placed in you to give. Make your prayer for 2009 one of more service unto God. We may never see in our lifetimes how or what we do and how it affects others. Yet by faith we must continue to trust in God and make known to all the world what God has done.

So this week as we approach the new year I pray that God would continue to strengthen you and grow you in your walk with him. I also pray that something that I shared in 2008 helped you in your walk. I also pray that if God says so that in 2009 whatever I share with you in the Words of Encouragement would help you to become more of what God has determined for your life. If that is true, then I can rejoice in knowing that I too am fulfilling what God has purposed in my life, to spread the truth about him. God bless you.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Week in Review

Writing Assignment 2 – Divine Revelation (PART 2)

The people understood that God was unique from all other gods. He was a faithful and trustworthy God. “This God has a distinct character — he is who he is — to which he will be faithful and which he reveals in his historical actions. Not only does God name his presence as active being, but his name also discloses his essentially relational nature. The Baptist scholar Gwynne Henton Davies explains that the Hebrew words ‘have the quite practical meaning I am who and what, and where and when, and how and even why you will discover I AM. I am what you will discover me to be’…God already is in himself what he intends and promises to be in his deeds through and among his people. The text implies that this is and will be the case and that it is and will be manifest historically; hence we can expect to be able to ‘read’ his acts as an assertion of his character and as leading to the fulfillment of his promise. Using language from speech act theory, we can say that God’s revelation of his name is assertive of his being, and a commissive promise to act in faithfulness to his being. God’s nature is expressed in his unbreakable word: that he means to be his word is implied by his promise, and that he will keep it is implied in his self-assertion” (Moore, 167).

God revealed himself to the Israelites and their history became available for all to understand God’s move in times past and what it means for today. “…the history. God’s revelation becomes part of the concreteness of daily life, in the language and in the mentality of a people, showing what the meaning of the flowing of days is. “History, therefore, becomes the arena where we see what God does for humanity. God comes to us in the things we know best and can verify most easily, the things of our everyday life, apart from which we cannot understand ourselves” (Dotolo, pp. 20 – 21). God also showed himself to the Israelites to establish a relationship with them for their good. “In establishing a priesthood for Israel, God assured that the priests would provide guidance for his people, especially with respect to their continuous instruction in his law. This priesthood and their assistants, the scribes, were the teaching authority, or the official magisterium, of the religion God set up for them. As long as the priests and scribes remained loyal to God, they were also faithful in communicating God’s wishes to his people. However, at times when the teaching authority slipped away from its responsibility and did not reflect the will of God for his people, God then bypassed the religious authorities and used prophets to deliver messages directly to the people” (Girzone, pp. 15 – 16).

“In time past, God spoke in fragmentary and varied ways to our fathers through the prophets; in this, the final age, he has spoken to us through his Son, whom he has made heir of all things and through whom he first created the universe” (Dotolo, 20). God also reveals himself through his Son, Jesus Christ. Before touching on Jesus, one must first look at the Bible or the word of God as he reveals himself to humanity. God showed himself to the Israelites and thus began the process of writing down the word of God as he revealed it to individuals. The author, Norbert Max Samuelson in his book, Revelation and the God of Israel states, “Whatever the view is of God in general, the deity affirmed as the sole deity worthy of worship in these religions is the creator of the world, the revealer of sacred scriptures, and the redeemer of humanity. For Judaism, at least God as the creator is revealed both through the Hebrew Scriptures (especially the opening chapters of Genesis) and through nature (especially physical cosmology and cosmogony). The deity known in this way is a God of natural law whose will, identifiable with that law, is concerned equally with every creature, without differentiation, and primarily with the whole rather than any of its parts, be they animal, mineral, or vegetable. Hence, this is a deity knowable primarily as a God of justice. In contrast, God as the revealer is known through the words of the Hebrew Scriptures and the tradition of the interpretation of those words in biblical commentaries. This deity is a God of moral law whose will, identifiable with that law, has special concern for the Jewish people, with whom he has a special love relationship, comparable to that of a loving spouse or parent. Hence, this is a deity knowable primarily as a God of love. Whether or not it is coherent to claim that the same being is both the deity of universal law and the deity of concrete love is not obvious, and much of the discussion of theology in rabbinic texts deals with ways to reconcile these two characterizations of God” (12). Scripture confirms itself in these verses, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (2 Timothy 3:16).

Work Cited
Dotolo, Carmelo (2006). Christian Revelation. Aurora, CO, USA: Davies Group Publishers.

Girzone, Joseph F. (2004). Trinity.Westminster, MD, USA: Doubleday Publishing.

McGrath, Alister E. (2001). Christian Theology – An Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Moore, Andrew. (2003). Realism and Christian Faith : God, Grammar, and Meaning.

West Nyack, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.

Samuelson, Norbert Max. (2002). Revelation and the God of Israel. West Nyack, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.

Thompson, Frank Charles, D.D., PH.D. (1988). The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, 5th ed. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbridge Bible Co., Inc.

Week in Review

Writing Assignment #7 – Synthesis (part 2)

The believer now begins the transformation process. None of this is possible without God’s spirit. Roberts states, “We have seen that there can be no true holiness without the love of God. Neither can there be without love for our fellow men. The two are joined together. The second great commandment is, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself’ – Matt. 22:39” (1)

One of the changes in the new believer is in fellowship. The relationship between God and the new believer has been restored. The relationship between the new believer and others has also been made new. Howard states, “Sin produces a double alienation – on the vertical and horizontal plane. ‘But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ’ Eph. 2:13…this is double reconciliation – between man and man, and man and God” (74).

The new man now must give control over completely to God so that the transformation can begin. Sins were forgiven but an instant change in man’s behavior and thinking did not occur. Howard states, “Life by the Spirit is a personal relationship that must be cultivated and maintained…The experience of most men reveals the need of constant renewal and revival – it is an essential part of humanity” (179). The new man begins to transform into the image of God. “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2).

In this growing process, one must be amongst other believers. This is the importance of the church. The church is made up of the believers coming to worship together, encourage one another and fulfill the mission of God. What is the mission of the church? In the book, Biblical Foundations & Contemporary Strategies: Mission, the author Gailyn Van Rheenen states, “The church is not a human organization. It is the result of a mission or a sending that began with God. The mission of God, initiated through Jesus Christ and continued through his disciples, led to the formation of the church” (29). “The Church is God’s people called out from the world to be his witness in the world. As an institution, it appears fallible and weak, but paradoxically it has outlasted states, nations, and empires” (Rheenen, 30). So the mission of the church is God ordained. The people of God come together to worship and evangelize because of the instruction given by God and not due to man’s wishes.

Josh McDowell on his web site, answers the question what hope does Christianity offer the world, in this manner, “We are living in a day in which people are pessimistic about the future. There have always been pessimists, but now there is a general feeling of hopelessness regarding the future. Against this pessimistic and fearful backdrop, Jesus Christ offers real hope. He gives mankind the opportunity to become right with God and his fellowman. Thus Christianity offers a full life to those who will accept Jesus” (1). Some of the disillusionment in men is in their unrealistic and selfish expectations of others and in God. J.B. Phillips, the author of Your God is too Small, states, “God will inevitably appear to disappoint the man who is attempting to use Him as a convenience, a prop, or a comfort, for his own plans. God has never been known to disappoint the man who is sincerely wanting to co-operate with His own purposes” (49).

The church is an important part of God’s plan in presenting truth to the world. The church is to be God’s light, like a beacon calling all towards it. “Because most people in this modern age have almost no sense of God there is also almost no sense of ‘sin’ – for in human experience there is a significant connexion between the two. Where the sense of God becomes something like a reality there springs up, sooner or later, a sense of guilt and failure” (Phillips, 97). The church, through the keeping of God’s ways, shows the world what it looks like to be a follower of Christ. “The follower of the new way is therefore called to do all he can to spread ‘the good news of the Kingdom,’ but to realize at all times that the success or failure of the Kingdom can never be judged by simple reference to statistics of ‘Christians’ at any particular time” (Phillips, 123). Believers are to spread the message of salvation but not to get held back by what looks like failure or success. Phillip states the success of this mission is known in the “real time” which is eternity.

The church is vital to get the truth to the world. Josh McDowell agrees with this in his statement, “All religions cannot be true at the same time, because they teach many things completely opposite from one another. They all may be wrong, but certainly they all cannot be right, for the claims of one will exclude the other. As to matters of salvation and the person of Jesus Christ, only historic Christianity recognizes Him as the eternal God becoming a man who died for the sins of the world and arose again the third day. Salvation is obtained only by putting one’s trust in this Jesus” (2). The Christian church is the only avenue that is founded on this truth of the Bible, that Jesus is the only way of salvation.

It is important to the church that believers encourage one another. Luis Palau suggest this on his web site, “Having a part in leading a friend or acquaintance to faith in Jesus Christ is exciting. Actually praying with someone who wants to make that decision is even more exciting. Yet I’ve seen Christians panic when someone comes to that point of decision. Take the time to encourage and help each other learn to lead someone in making that decision” (1). The church is significant in educating believers to be able to share the Gospel. This can be an intimidating idea. It is important for believers to be trained and then walk along side another believer to teach them.

The church in sharing the message of salvation must be willing to go outside of the church building. Scripture calls for us to reach out to the lost of this world, because when we do it to others we do it unto the Lord. “For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me” (Matthew 25:35-36). One such organization that holds to this belief is Prison Fellowship. Their goal is to exhort, equip and assist the church in its ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. This is what their web site states regarding their mission, “Our foremost calling is to be in daily fellowship and communion with Christ. But we are also called to go beyond an exclusive ‘Jesus and me’ relationship; Christ calls us to be a light to the world around us, an instrument through which He can work to restore and redeem broken lives and a broken culture” (1).

Work Cited

Alter, Margaret Gramat. Christianity Today: The unnatural act of forgiveness. Vol. 41 Issue 7, P. 28, 3p 2c. 1997. 22 February 2006. How to know God personally. 2006. 22 February 2006.

Howard, Richard E. Newness of Life. United States of America: n.p., 1975. Previous Questions -Christianity. 2004. 22 February 2006.

McGrath, Alister E. Understanding the Trinity. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1988. Scripts – Encourage One Another. Palau, Luis. 2005. 22 February 2006. Prison Fellowship. 2004. 22 February 2006.

Phillips, J.B. Your God is Too Small. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Rheenen, Gailyn Van. Biblical Foundations & Contemporary Strategies: Missions. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996.

Thompson, Frank Charles, D.D., PH.D. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, 5th ed. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbridge Bible Co., Inc., 1988.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Words of Encouragement

A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great. - Proverbs 18:16

Christmas presents. Gifts to Christ. This week I want to do something different. I want to give us a week of prayers, presents if you will unto Christ. We often think of Christmas as what we receive from one another. The greatest gift we have received is the gift of salvation through God.

So this week of Christmas let us present our gifts to God. When we do the scripture tells us today that it will usher us into the presence of the great. That great is God. So let us present our presents together.

Gift of Love. Lord today we thank you for your love. We are thankful for the love that you gave to mankind through the gift of your son. You loved the world so much that you send your only begotten son to come and die for my sins and the sins of the world. Lord because of your love I am now able to love others. The gift I give to you this Christmas is my love. I give you my complete love as well as to love your people. Help me to love your way. If there are those that I have anger in my heart against now, help me to let it go so that I can come to Christmas presenting you my complete heart free of anything that would hinder me from giving you my love. This I ask, Amen.

Gift of Sacrifice. Today Lord I present to you my life, myself and all that I am. I come to present myself as a living sacrifice which is my reasonable service. I have prayed all year and ask you to help me in my life, but today my prayer is not about me but about you. I come to present myself to you so that you can use me as you desire. Help me as the new year comes to be more yielded to you. Those things I did this year that were for myself or based on my own desires, help me to see more clearer next year how to let go of my ideas or my thoughts and do things more your way. This is my present to you so that I can be ushered into the greatness of you. Amen.

Gift of Outreach. Lord you have given so much to me. You have placed me on the hearts of others that have blessed me or planted into my life. Help me to give you the present of outreach. That means I will allow you to use me to reach others. Not simply over seas but even those in need that live right next door to me. Help me to give encouragement to those in need of encouragement. Help me to pray for those that are in need of prayer. Help me to walk with someone that needs me to walk with them. Help me as the new year comes to have more of a heart to touch the lives of others than I have in this past year. Help me to do this because this gift will draw me closer to you and closer to my purpose. Amen.

Gift of light. This Christmas day we celebrate the birth of Christ. Help me today to allow Christ to be alive in me. I belong to you and if I have allowed your light to dim, renew your light, renew my excitement about you. Help me to share the truth about Christmas to someone new. Lord help me to be like that star that led the wise men to where Christ was. Help me to be a greater light in the midst of this dark world. Help me to led many to you this year. Help me to be that light that moves someone along the way to where you are so that can come and bring gifts of themselves to you. Help me this year be the light of God to someone in darkness. Amen.

Gift of prayer. Lord help me to present my gift of prayer to you continually. Help me to pray more this upcoming year. Not simply for my own needs but for the needs of the people you love. Those people that are yours by creation and yours by redemption. Help me to pray for the lost that they may come to know you. Help me to pray for those in bondage that they may be set free. Help me to pray for those in need that you may fulfill their needs. Lord help me to present my prayers to you so that I can be drawn closer to you. I want to see more of your greatness exhibited in my life. Help me as the new year approaches to become more like your Son so that I can be a true gift to this world as I lead others to the greatest gift, Jesus Christ.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Week in Review

Writing Assignment 2 – Divine Revelation

What does it mean when one states, God reveals himself to men? How does God reveal himself to mankind? As individuals pursue the Bible they gain insight and information about God. God’s revelation of himself can also be seen in nature, through history, in Jesus and through personal insights. These different avenues of revelation can help individuals gain an understanding of God, which can cause them to seek him for directions to their lives. For the individuals that have taken the step of acceptance of this God as head of their lives, it can help them grow in the understanding of God and his purpose for their daily walk.

How do we answer this question? Author Alister E. McGrath in his book, Christian Theology – An Introduction states, “How can God be known? For some, God is to be sought out within the complexities and ambiguities of the world. The ‘human quest for God’ involves the careful weighing of evidence drawn from the natural world, including human reason and conscience. For others, human nature is limited in its abilities, and is unable to discern the existence or nature of God in this way. Humanity needs to be told what God is like” (200). Who then is responsible for telling mankind about God? God took this task and revealed himself to men. It is through divine revelation that man comes to understand God.

The author, Carmelo Dotolo in the book, Christian Revelation states, “What is the meaning of the term revelation and why is it so important for theology? What is the secret of its appeal and, at the same time, of the difficulty that its use provokes in the familiar lexicon with which man tries to read the world? Without doubt, it is a strange word that seems to hint at a reality not controllable by man; or, in any event, a reality normally distant from his vision of things” (1). “The issue being debated is fundamentally that of revelation – the Christian notion that God chooses to be known, and makes this possible through self-disclosure in nature and human history” (McGrath, 200).

If one accepts that the knowledge of God is made available because God chooses to reveal himself, then one must look at the different ways that God accomplishes these events. The first way is through nature. “O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set they glory above the heavens” (Psalm 8:1). “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork” (Psalm 19:2). “The Earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness therefore, the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded in upon the seas, and established it upon the floods” (Psalm 24:1-2). These are only a few of the many verses of scripture written where men tell of their understanding of God through nature. “Might the study of the natural world lead to an increased appreciation of its creator?” (McGrath, 208). These biblical writers were able to gain greater appreciation of the creator through their understanding of what they saw in nature. “If God made the world, God’s ‘signature’ (so to speak) may be found within the created order” (McGrath, 209).

God reveals himself in nature to draw men to an understanding of his ownership of all. God shows himself to be a God of order. Seasons change at relatively the same time. The sun sets and rises each day. These all attest to a God of order. He also shows himself in nature to draw men. “God takes the initiative to provoke the search of man” (Dotolo, 19). This can also be understood when one reads Romans 1:18 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” God revealed himself in times past as well as today, through nature to draw men to an understanding of his presence in the world. “In other words, the contemporary world itself invites us to take into account, even with all the different interpretative points of view, the reality of religious experience as the space for understanding the appeal and the mystery of existence. To look at such experience means to become aware of what the religious sciences agree to define as a structural, inalienable and conclusive dimension of human experience” (Dotolo, 8).

Another way that God reveals himself to men is through events or history. God’s people (the Israelites) were allowed to understand God as he revealed himself to them and as time progressed, they had their historical background to remind them of the attributes of God. The author, Andrew Moore in his book, Realism and Christian Faith: God, Grammar, and Meaning states, “the name revealed to Moses, YHWH, ehyeh asher ehyeh, and the narrative context in which it is given — that of the promise of the liberation of God’s people from slavery in Egypt — imply that God reveals himself, but that his self-revealing is a simultaneous self-veiling. God’s name reveals that he is unnamable, ungraspable, unencompassable. We may see God’s glory but not his essence. God remains veiled even in his self-unveiling:” (167).

The people of God were allowed to see the miracles of God, yet they knew that this God was above what they could see or think. Joseph Girzone in his book, Trinity remarks about one such miracle, “Those hundreds of thousands of people had to be fed miraculously during all those years. There was no food in the desert to satisfy the needs of that many people. The guidance and protection and comfort God gave his people during that time is also remarkable. The world has never known a god of such benevolence and care for his creatures” (15).

Work Cited

Dotolo, Carmelo (2006). Christian Revelation. Aurora, CO, USA: Davies Group Publishers.

Girzone, Joseph F. (2004). Trinity.Westminster, MD, USA: Doubleday Publishing.

McGrath, Alister E. (2001). Christian Theology – An Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Moore, Andrew. (2003). Realism and Christian Faith : God, Grammar, and Meaning. West Nyack, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.

Samuelson, Norbert Max. (2002). Revelation and the God of Israel. West Nyack, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.

Thompson, Frank Charles, D.D., PH.D. (1988). The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, 5th ed. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbridge Bible Co., Inc.

Week in Review

Writing Assignment #7 – Synthesis

Humans are lost because of sin without the plan of salvation given by God through his son, Jesus. The first step one must take to be redeemed is acceptance of this plan of salvation. Part of God’s plan of redemption also empowers the new believer to live a holy life through the working of the Holy Spirit. In this process, the new believer begins to learn how to live this new existence. This new life calls for one to learn how to fellowship with other believers. The body of believers, the church, has an internal purpose and an external purpose. All of these steps must be taken to fulfill the purpose God has for those he saves and sends to the mission field.

One understands the need for salvation by first understanding human nature and sin. In his book, Newness of Life, Richard Howard states, “Sin has been defined as self-delusion, self-reliance, listening to oneself instead of listening to God, man’s self-assertion in rebellion against God, turned toward oneself and making oneself the center of his self…Sin, then, is self-separation from God in the sense of decentralization, the place which should be occupied by God being assumed by the self” (42). Howard describes this attitude as self-sovereignty. In an article written by Margaret Alter in Christianity Today, she explains sin this way, “Sin is a state of being alienated from God, from others, and from our true selves: Out of our sense of alienation, we behave in alienating ways…We are desperate to fix things. Like Adam and Eve in the garden, we sew fig leaves together to hide our nakedness from ourselves, from each other, and from God” (1997, 2).

The nature of man is to rule over self and believe he/she has the power to fix whatever is wrong. “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;” (I Corinthians 15:3). Man does not have the ability in himself to forgive sins or remove the consequences of his actions. God’s plan is made available only through his son. Self-sovereignty in man takes God’s rightful place of lordship and depends on self to rule one’s life. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). No matter what a person does, the choices made will only lead to death. It is not until the sinner turns from selfish rule to Godly rule, that any change will be effected. For one to move from self-sovereignty to God as sovereign, one must release the control.

On the web site of Global Media Outreach, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, their article, How to Know God Personally, gives steps for the sinner to take in receiving forgiveness of sins and release from the bondage of that sin. “God LOVES you and offers a wonderful PLAN for your life. Man is SINFUL and SEPARATED from God. Therefore, he cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for his life. Jesus Christ is God’s ONLY provision for man’s sin. Through Him you can know and experience God’s love and plan for your life. We must individually RECEIVE Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, then we can know and experience God’s love and plan for our life” (2 – 3). In this process, the self-directed life, where self is on the throne is replaced with the Christ-directed life, where Christ is on the throne (Global Media Outreach, 4).

When the sinner accepts salvation, he is given a new standing in the Lord. Margaret Alter states it in this manner, “Jesus tenderly receives those who are obviously sinful and forcefully confronts good religious people who bargain their goodness before God. In other words, those who know they are burdened and alienated find release, and those who have covered their need with fig leaves of their own self-righteousness are found out and invited to give up pretense” (2). Here the writer makes the point that not only does the sinner need to know God but also those that are self-righteous yet attending church and participating in the services. When the sin is released, Jesus changes the sinner’s standing from one sentenced to death to one alive.

In the book, Holiness Teachings – The Life and Work of B. T. Roberts, Benson H. Roberts makes this statement, “It is a false assumption which takes it for granted that those who maintain a respectable standing in a respectable Church are therefore justified. Some of them are. Many are not” (1). Paul’s writing to the Romans was trying to convey a similar message to his readers. Paul wanted believers to know it is not by ones own trying that they are saved. Man cannot will himself to do what is right before God. The law is righteous, but man is unable to follow without failure. Paul in Romans 7:14-25 was pointing the reader to the only one that could do what the law was incapable of doing. Under the law, man was condemned because he was not able to fulfill the requirements of the law. The law was to show men their sin, but it was only Jesus that could fulfill the requirements of the law. Matthew Henry, in Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible, states this in another way, “The remainder of indwelling corruptions which he here speaks of, to show that the law is insufficient to justify even a regenerated man, that the best man in the world hath enough in him to condemn him, if God should deal with him according to the law, which is not the fault of the law, but of our own corrupt nature, which cannot fulfill the law” (2210).

The sinner or even the believer is not able to change the inner self without the working of the Holy Spirit. The new believers are not to fool themselves into believing that because the first step has been made, all is finished. The acceptance of salvation is a beginning. The author, Alister E. McGrath, in Understanding the Trinity, states, “Christianity is not like some sort of religious education lesson in which facts are pumped into our heads; rather it is like a love affair – something powerful, challenging and possessing real meaning to those involved…It isn’t a ‘knowledge’ for which a relatively high IQ and a university degree are required, but a personal knowledge of God which lies within the grasp of everyone…It is a knowledge which arises through meeting someone, through encountering the living God, not through reading dry and dusty textbooks” (43). In order for the relationship with God to grow, the new believer must have a deep love for God, a love affair. It will not be the facts given to the new believer or their intelligence that will deepen their walk with the Lord. It will be the new believer’s love for God and the releasing of control of his or her own will into the capable hands of God.

Work Cited

Alter, Margaret Gramat. Christianity Today: The unnatural act of forgiveness. Vol. 41 Issue 7, P. 28, 3p 2c. 1997. 22 February 2006. How to know God personally. 2006. 22 February 2006.

Howard, Richard E. Newness of Life. United States of America: n.p., 1975. Previous Questions -Christianity. 2004. 22 February 2006.

McGrath, Alister E. Understanding the Trinity. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1988. Scripts – Encourage One Another. Palau, Luis. 2005. 22 February 2006. Prison Fellowship. 2004. 22 February 2006.

Phillips, J.B. Your God is Too Small. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Rheenen, Gailyn Van. Biblical Foundations & Contemporary Strategies: Missions. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996.

Thompson, Frank Charles, D.D., PH.D. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, 5th ed. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbridge Bible Co., Inc., 1988.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Words of Encouragement

The cross of Christmas.  Have you ever thought about the fact that if there were not Christmas, there would be no cross?

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! - Romans 5:8-10

Jesus in Christmas. J is for Justifed. We need to see Christmas as being attached to Easter.  The one leads to the other.  Christ had to first come so that he could fulfill God's purpose of salvation.  As we celebrate Christmas let us see the vast importance of what was given in this season.  Christ came so that we could be justified.

We were enemies of God when Christ entered the world.  We had no way of reconciling ourselves to him.  We stood guilty and accused. The blood of Christ is what justified you and I.  To be justified means that we were made acceptable and right before God.

Wrapped up in that bundle was more than a mere baby.  The ability for mankind to be moved from guilty to set free was there.  We were not acceptable and there was nothing we could do.  It was all because of the name of Christ.  All that we are able to accomplish and to have is because of the gift of Jesus Christ.  This season, let us thank God for sending justfication to the world.

Prayer: Lord it was your gift of Christ that make me justified.  I was moved from unacceptable to acceptable.  I was moved from unrighteous to righteous. From unfaithful to faithful.  None of this is because of my own doing, but because of what you have done in me. Help me to give thanks for the gift of Christ.

The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty
and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity. - Psalm 93:1-2

Jesus in Christmas. E is for Eternity. We were on a course of spending eternity in damnation.  As much as we may believe we are able to determine our future, we really on determine where we end up. I can believe I am a good person and deserve good things, but if I am not willing to accept the way of salvation as offered through Christ I will reap no good thing unto myself. 

As we draw closer to Christmas we can rejoice in knowing that there is a future planned for me.  God has set aside a wonderful future, if I only accept it.  That future that God has for me is to spend eternity with him because of the gift of his son.  Jesus's gift to the world was peace.  No so much peace in the way we think.  But a peace that past our earthly understanding.  We have a gift of peace that gives us assurance that we can spend eternity with God.  We do not have to worry or fret because we can be assured that since Jesus justified us by his blood we are no longer condemned to destruction but are moved to the path of eternity with Christ. 

As you celebrate this season be reminded that no matter what you face in this life, God has assured you a eternal home where there will not be any more tears, no pain and no sorrow.  Hold to his hand and he will see you through.

Prayer: Lord today I am thankful for the wonderful gifts that Christ came to bring into the world.  His coming was because of your unfailing love for mankind.  Help me today to see it but also to share it with someone else that does not know you as a forgiver of sins.

Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. - 1 Peter 2:1-3
Jesus in Christmas. S is for Salvation. The writer is telling us to grow up in our salvation.  We have been saved so now we should grow up and seek those things that are worthy of the calling we have.  We have tasted or experienced the goodness of the Lord.  In doing so, we should desire to have more.
Jesus opened up a world to us that was closed.  You and I could not truly understand the goodness of God.  We could not truly understand what it means to experience the goodness of Christ.  Yes, we see miracles but we do not comprehend them completely in a darkened state.  It is not until the light shines in us that we are able to discern these things.  It is the salvation that Jesus brings that begins us on this process of learning and experiencing the goodness of God.
So the mandate is then, you have tasted, you have experienced now grow up.  Walk upright.  Move away from those things that draw you back into the darkness.  Continue to walk in the light.  This holiday let us make sure that we do not pick up behaviors that draw us back into darkness like behaviors.  What can we do this season different than before that will show that we are indeed growing up in our salvation.  It does not matter how long you have been saved.  Is there something TODAY that God wants you to do differently?  If so, let us remember we have experienced him and we want more of that.
Prayer: Lord today, help me make a difference like I have never done before.  Help me to say something or do something that changes another just as you change me.  Help me to let go of something I am holding onto today.  Let me release the control of something I am trying to work out.  Help me this day realize you are my savior. You are the one that does the work.  Help me to trust in your work you want to do in me.
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Romans 15:4-6

Jesus in Christmas. U is for Unity. One thing about Christmas that I always find encouraging is people tend to become a little less selfish.  Oh I know there are many things that go wrong during this time, but you find people that would never say anything nice greeting people.  You see strangers that would never speak, speaking and giving Christmas cheer to people.  I think we sometimes do not even realize it, but there is something different in the air.  There is a more outward look.  Oh if we could only bottle that for later.

But this should not be the body of believers.  We should not only be unified once or twice a year.  We should be the evidence of God's unifying power day in and day out. We are to be one in purpose, one in spirit and one in Christ.  As the body of believers our purpose is to preach Jesus, Jesus only.  We are not preaching our agendas, our ideas or our ways.  We are called to be the body so therefore the Spirit that leads us should be God's Spirit.  We do not become the followers of deceptive spirits or spirits of division.  We are one in Christ.

This was not possible without Christ.  Had Jesus not come you and I could never be unified.  It is only through Christ that the body can fulfill her purpose to be unified.  We are not where we need to be, but day by day let us seek to make that our goal.

Prayer: Lord when we show unity we show the world you.  We should the world your power and ability.  Lord today help us in our small circles begin to look more like a unified body.  We cannot expect the entire body to be unified in Christ if we cannot even be unified with 5 or 10.  Let us take this season and pray for your Spirit to unified us as one.  Make us one in purpose, to preach Jesus.  Make us one in Spirit, to be seeking to learn your word, teach your word and live your word.  Help us to be one in Christ.  For this is what gift you gave to us on that first Christmas morning, the right to become your sons and daughers. Help us now to live as a family should live.

 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.- 1 Corinthians 6:10-11

Jesus in Christmas. S is for Sanctified. The scripture reminds us today that the sinful will not inherit the kingdom of God.  The reminder is also don't turn your nose up, because we too fit into this category.
Oh but today we can rejoice because we where changed from what we were to what we are and what we will become.  We were saved.  We were washed.  The old stink of sin was washed away.  We were sanctified, made holy, set apart for God.  We were justified.  We were no longer guilty but now we were made righteous through Christ by the Spirit of God.
It was all done in the name of Jesus Christ.  What do we celebrate Christmas? Is it for the toys, the trinkets, the gifts and friends?  Is it for the food, the lights and the spirit of the day?  While all these things may be good, they pale in comparision to what we have been given.  We have been gifted the keys to eternity.  We have been gifted the keys to changing our courses in life.  We were first headed for eternal damnation but the key that unlock the door opens the door to eternity with God. 
We were found guilty and enemies of God. We were in need of saving but unable to do it.  Then one day a babe was born.  This babe did not seem like a king, but he was.  This babe may not have looked to many to be God, yet he was.  Jesus Christ took on flesh so that he would gift us freedom from ourselves.  Today let us rejoice in knowing that Jesus Christ is the only true reason for Christmas.  Without him it is simple a dull light show.
Prayer: Lord, you are the true light that came into the world.  The bulbs on the trees do not compare to the light you come to bring into the dark lives of mankind.  Today thank your for placing your light in me.  Now Lord help me to be that light that shines brightly helping others to find their way to you. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week in Review

Writing Assignment #3 – Human Nature and Sin

In his book, Newness of Life, Richard Howard makes the statement “Yet – mystery of mysteries – divine sovereignty respects human sovereignty!” What is the message one should receive from this reading? This statement will be used to further investigate and understand the unique relationship between man and God and why God allows man self-sovereignty.

Howard defines self-sovereignty as the essential nature of sin (59). In understanding his use of this phrase one must look at what he says about man and sin. “Sin is described as much more than an act. Instead, it is portrayed as an irresistible power that captures and controls man, making him its helpless slave” (40). Howard also writes, “when an attempt is made to define this mysterious intruder, a striking similarity appears. Sin has been defined as self-delusion, self-reliance, listening to oneself instead of listening to God, man’s self-assertion in rebellion against God, turning toward oneself and making oneself the center of his self…Sin, then, is self-separation from God in the sense of decentralization, the place which should be occupied by God being assumed by the self” (42).

The understanding then of self-sovereignty is when man puts self in the place that should be God’s. This is in fact creating one’s own god. When self-sovereignty is in one’s heart, there is worship of a false trinity, the worship of “me, myself and I”. Man’s wishes are to satisfy the desires of the flesh (all for me, myself, and no one else). Man desires to pursue the things that make self feel important, powerful and invincible (I am important, so I deserve this). These are some of the things that one seeks when self-sovereignty is the deciding factor in how to live life.

Man is given the power to choose and God never takes that away. “Sovereignty is the power of control, while free will is the power of choice” (Howard 43). God gives to men the freedom to make all choices. Whether one believes and trusts in God is one of those choices. With this power of choice (which God will never take away) man chooses to have the power of control of one’s life.

God is a sovereign God. The American Heritage College Dictionary defines sovereign this way, “One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, esp. in a nation or other governmental unit, as: a. A king, queen, or other noble person who serves a chief of state; a ruler or monarch” (Gildea 1325). God is the only true God, there is no other. His law is the final authority. Everyone will be held accountable to his rules or governmental laws. God gave man the freedom of choice, to accept or reject his ways. God, however, gave the law to point men to recognize their sins and their need of a savior (Howard 57).

God knew man would need a way to escape the penalty of their transgressions of the Law, so he sent Jesus. God placed the government in the hands of Jesus because of his sacrifice (Isaiah 9:6). If anyone accepts Jesus as savior, then the penalty of the transgression of that government or law is removed. God did it all so men and women could be set free from the penalty of transgression, yet he did not take away the choice to refuse it.

God wants all to come, but it must be with a willingness to release self-sovereignty and allow the sovereign God to reign in the heart were self once resided. This is the mystery of God’s love. He did not create robots to follow his every wish, but men with free will to accept or reject his offer of love. This is another example of the love of God, the father for his wayward people. He set in motion all that man needs to move into a right relationship with him; yet the decision of rejecting all that God has to offer is within man. “He cannot save himself, however earnestly and anxiously he might try. The sinful nature of man – his own self-sovereignty – uses the law under which he chooses to live as an accomplice. Instead of peace he finds only frustration despair, condemnation, and guilt” (Howard 60).

God who has the final say in all matters, loved man enough to allow him a free choice in the matter of his ways. God made man in his image; he gives men emotions, desires and a mind for thinking and making choices. This ability to choose is one of God’s attributes (he made the choice to have the Israelites as his own people). He does not use his sovereign power to force man to bow to his will. Instead, God seeks the lost with the sole purpose of allowing men to see they are in need of the gift he has to offer. When man turns to the outstretched hand of God and releases his rule of his life into God’s capable hand, then the process of renewal can begin.

“Yet – mystery of mysteries – divine sovereignty respects human sovereignty!” Yes, this is a mystery why God does not make man do as he should, but allows one the power to control their own life. The best way to explain this mystery is in understanding that God is a loving father. God gave man the choice so he does not take it back or force his ways upon man. Even though God’s divine sovereignty respects human sovereignty, he never stops trying to draw men; to provide for them what they cannot provide for themselves, removal of sin. It is important for one to check oneself to ensure that they are not trying to live a self-sovereign existence. Even those that walk with God at anytime can revert back to a self-sovereign way. Yet, the beauty is that God in his love, is still seeking.

Work Cited

Gildea, Spike, Ph.D., et al. The American Heritage College Dictionary. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002.

Howard, Richard E. Newness of Life. United States of America: n.p., 1975.

Thompson, Frank Charles, D.D., PH.D. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, 5th ed. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbridge Bible Co., Inc., 1988.

Week in Review

Theology of Ministry – part 2
November 30, 2007

Understanding ministry begins with God is crucial for one to realize that everything must be done with the leading of God’s Spirit and through the word. God should be allowed to shape the ministerial roles of biblical interpreter, expositor and caregiver within the lives of his ministers. How I allow God to lead me, will determine my effectiveness in these important roles.

The author of the book, Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry, William H. Willmon writes, “But there will be a day, according to Joel 2:28-32, when God’s Spirit shall be poured out on all. All. Even among the typically voiceless – old women and old men (pensioners, usually institutionalized, nonproductive, therefore nonvalued), young people out of work, underpaid maids, janitors – God’s Spirit shall descend in the later days, bringing things to speech” (250). The author gives one encouragement to understand that God picks those that others overlook to be great carriers of his word, to interpret it. I understand this wonderment. Why would God choose me to pour his Spirit upon and to give his words that bring truth to many? As I continue to search God’s word, he continues to strengthen me for this task of prophet/interpreter.

“The courage to be a prophet arises from a wide array of sources – a conviction that there is truth worth telling, the security that the truth is more important than popularity, and the faith that Jesus has made possible the means whereby even ordinary people can be prophetic” (251). These words help me to have a deeper understanding of this calling into ministry. The Lord is growing my faith from a “baby faith” that trusts in the seen, to a deeper, “maturing faith” that trust because God has said so. He is continuingly growing me in courage that what he gives me to tell is worth telling and I can find security in his truth to give the word his way. Many were offended by Jeremiah, yet he continued to be the prophet God called him to be. Many may think he was not a success because the messages were not heeded, but that is not how God counts our success. He looks at our obedience to his calling and determines if we are successful or not.

In the book, Shepherding the Church: Effective Spiritual Leadership in a Changing Culture by Joseph M. Stowell he gives a quote by Bruce Thieleman, which states, “the pulpit calls those anointed to it as the sea calls its sailors; and like the sea, it batters and bruises, and does not rest…To preach, to really preach, is to die naked a little at a time and to know each time you do it that you must do it again” (251). From the first sermon I gave, he has used them to bring significant growth in me. I had to go through the growing pains if I was going to become (and still becoming) an expositor the way God wants. I have had to die to myself in ways that I never thought I would have to before. He is bringing the spiritual understanding to my messages so that they are not simply an understanding in my head, but one that is truth from my inner being. Yet each time this happens, I realize there is still more that He will take me through and I must do as the writer says “do it again”.

What this has shown me is that God wants the preaching of the word to be a transformational process that changes lives and helps his people grow. It is not just flowery words that tickle the ear, but words that change. “The platform of purpose focuses on power, and instead of urging the shepherd to become a celebrity reminds him that he is but a conduit of the power of God to His people… The ultimate purpose of our preaching is not to develop a relationship between the parishioner and the preacher, but to facilitate a deepening relationship between the parishioner and his Lord” (258-259). This is how God continues to grow his ministry within my heart as one that proclaims the word of God.

In the book, The Unnecessary Pastor: Rediscovering the Call by Marva Dawn and Eugene Peterson, it states, “How amazing it is, then, that out of all the possible persons in the world, God chose you for the ministry to which he has called you, whatever that ministry might be. But he chose you out for much more that that – namely, to come out from this environment of sin into the relationship he creates in order for you to be holy and blameless in his presence in love” (47). Therefore, I see my responsibility as a caregiver as one that is willing to care for the people that God cares for. He calls us not only to a place of ministry but also to a place of spiritual wholeness and holiness. As a caregiver I must be willing to help others understand God’s calling and to walk in it. God’s ministry of care for me continues to show me the need for patience as he has shown me how patient he is with my shortcomings. He also shows me how to love when individuals are unlovable, because he reminds me of when I was not loveable yet he extended love to me. This process is continual in that as long as I allow God to do so, he will continue to grow me in my walk, so that I can be effective in his mission.

Cited Work

Dawn, Marva and Peterson, Eugene. The Unnecessary Pastor: Rediscovering the Call, Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2000.

Stowell, Joseph M. Shepherding the Church: Effective Spiritual Leadership in a Changing Culture, Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1994.

Willimon, Williams H. Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry, Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2002.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Words of Encouragement

We come to give honor to God because he is worthy of all praise.

It is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking. But there is a place where someone has testified: "What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet." In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him. - Hebrews 2:5-8

Christ in Christmas. C is for care. We have been looking at ways we can be different this holiday season.  This week let us look at how we can continue to show our gratitude for God's gift. The scripture today reminds us that God cares so much for us.  The scripture is quoting from the Psalm 8:4-6 when it ask who is man that god cares for him. God's care for us was shown in Jesus coming to be amongst us.  We tend to look forward to Easter and that is good.  Yet there would be not Easter had Jesus not first come.  So as we think about Christmas in our time with God this week, let us think about how Christmas is a reminder of the care of God.  God cares enough for us to prepare a way for us.

Prayer: Lord you care for us.  We are thankful for your care.  This great care you show unto us exhibits itself through your gift of Christ.  You cared enough for us to send us Jesus.  Help me this week to share your care for someone else.  Help me to present to someone just how much you care for them.

in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse. - Psalm 25:2-4

H is for Hope. The psalmist shows us that we can trust in God and when we do we can have hope.  We do not have to be put to shame for trusting in the Lord.  This hope comes when we trust in God and his way and plans.  The main plan God wants us to follow is the gift of his Son. This Christmas there are some that have lost hope.  Their are some whose current situations have them feeling as if things are not going to get better.  What people need today is hope.  Not hope in temporary things, but a lasting hope in the eternal God. In our time with God let us ask him these questions: (1) how can I offer your hope to someone that is without hope? (2) How should I pray for those that have lost hope?
Prayer: Lord today we are thankful to you for giving us a hope that will last.  This hope is not dependant on our situations but on you.  Lord we also ask that you would help us offer to someone else the gift of hope that comes from trusting in you.
 The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire." - Hebrews 12:27-29

R is for Reverence. This scripture calls for us to be reminded that those things that can be shaken are being removed.  That which cannot be shaken is the kingdom of God.  We are told then, to be thankful and worship God with reverence and awe.  There are many people today that are looking for something that will not be shaken.  They just do not know where to look.  They are looking in the kinds of relationships they can have, or their jobs or their financial stability.  Those things will be shaken so that we can see that which cannot.  This season let us look how we can honor God as we show others where they can find that which is unshakable.

Prayer: Lord today we thank you for your gift to us so that we can have an unshakable hope in you.  Help us to reverence you in our worship and in all that we do.  Help us also to show others the way to you.  Help us to be like the star that the wise men followed.  Help us light the path straight to you.

God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.' Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by man's design and skill. - Acts 17:27-29

I is for in Him. God created mankind.  Through Christ all that was created was done through him.  he did this so that men would seek to find God.  Why do we need to find God?  God is not lost but we are.  He is there waiting for us to seek him and when we find him we then truly find ourselves.  For in him we live and move and have our being.  In other words we cannot live a life for God, nor can we move in freedom without the gift that comes through Christ. There are people you know and interact with each day that are not really living.  They are like an empty shell.  They need to have the life that can only come from a relationship with God.  So this week reach out to those that you see and offer them the hope of a live in him.

Prayer: Lord today I thank you that I have life in you.  Without my relationship with you I would be lost.  I could not move or live. I thank you for the gift of Christmas.  Help me to show my love for you as I show someone else how they too can have a line in you.

I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior. - Isaiah 43:11

The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done. - Psalm 9:9-11

S is for Savior and T is for Trust. The scripture in Isaiah talks about the Lord being the only savior.  Now you may say he is only speaking about God and not Jesus.  Yet if we understand that God is the Father and the Son we understand this is in fact talking to us about Jesus.  This one verse tells us that there is no other way of salvation but through Jesus.  The next scripture tells us to trust in God.  God is our refuge and a place of strength in times of trouble.  Those who know God by name can trust in him and sing his praises.  The key to our understanding is it is through Jesus that we are able to have fellowship with God and have trust in him.  There is someone waiting for you to tell them about the savior and that they too can trust him in and find their hope in him. It is through Jesus they will find their true reason for life and they can have their movement in him.

Prayer: Lord we thank you for the savior you sent to us to draw us to you.  We also thank you for being trustworthy.  We can trust in you to care for us because we know you are a God.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Week In Review

The New Testament Church
Written March 29, 2007

The author, Gilbert W. Stafford, in his book, Theology for Disciples, gives reference to idealistic and realistic views of the New Testament Church. The question is how can these ideas help bring renewal to the contemporary Church? When these ideas are coupled together, they can be useful for the contemporary church today because they can help better define her goals and to see her areas of need.

Stafford first states that the Gospels are placed at the beginning of the New Testament to signify the priority that the early church placed on discipleship as the basic category for understanding the nature of the church. The church as Stafford points out was called many names, such as the people of God. He explains how these ideas were to be enacted within the body of believers.

His first definition of the church as the body of Christ placed the accent on the church as the ongoing means by which the risen, ascended, reigning, and coming Lord makes himself known in history between his first and second advent (160). In other words, the church is to have a role in the mission of presenting Christ’s redemptive power to the unsaved.

His second definition is that the church is a place where the reconciled come together. Those that are both reconciled with God and with each other. It is the place where God’s presence is on earth. The third definition of the church is as the people of God, with the accent on its vocation.

Therefore, the idealistic view of the church is it is a fellowship of those who trust in Christ. It is the people of the new covenant linked to those of the Old Testament. They are a group of believers devoting to growing in Christ. It is a body of divine grace for the edification of believers and for blessing all. It is an expression of God’s mission to the world. It is also the community of believers waiting for Christ’s return.

This idealistic view however when placed alongside the realistic picture of the church, it does not always live up to the idealistic idea. The New Testament church had struggles, corruption and deficiencies within its structure as it attempted to grow and spread the gospel.

While fellowship was important some fell short and problems arose such as those that wanted believers to obey the laws (such as circumcision). There were some devoted to growing in Christ, but there was also a problem for example of sexual sins that Paul had to address that was taking place within the church. The church was to be an organism of divine grace for the edification of believers, but there was a time the church was a stumbling block to believers (for example the debate of eating meat used within idol worship ceremonies). There were problems with gifts and confusion about usage of tongues. The church should have been an expression of God’s mission to the world, but the Asian churches were lacking in missionary zeal.

One of the greatest examples the New Testament church can be to the contemporary church is it was not perfect but it was in the process of growing into what God was calling the church to be. Even in her state of lack, God still added to the church daily. Stafford explains that the view of the idealistic is that the church is pure, spotless, blameless, holy and concerned only with the salvation of people and the glory of God. On the other hand the realist sees the church as too human, harsh, intolerant full of every kind of failing.

Instead, the church today needs to take a blend of both to help the church become what it should be. The church is the body of Christ, but it is in the process of growing and therefore has many shortcomings. The church can however still find comfort in knowing that as she is becoming, God is still adding to the church as he sees fit. It calls for the church today to view itself as a body of believers in need of divine guidance, directing and renewing to continue to grow into what God is calling her to be. The church needs to hear again, and again her purpose, her mission and her calling so that she can continue to be corrected when she goes astray from her mission so that with a loving hand the reality of what is taking place is being joined with the idea of what she can become.

The Week In Review

Theology of Ministry – part 1 (Written 11/23/07)

When one speaks of ministry, several possible scenarios may come to mind. Most of those scenarios have to do with the individual and their particular calling; however, what should come to mind first is God. Ministry begins with God’s activity in the life of the individual and one should look at this calling from that perspective to understand the significant role God wants to play in the life of the minister. If ministry is examined from the understanding that it starts with God, then what does this imply to the individual in terms of what you “do” in ministry? These questions must be addressed before one can do what a particular calling requires.

The author of the book, Biblical Foundations & Contemporary Strategies: Missions, Gailyn Van Rheenen, illuminates an important point regarding ministry or as he labels it, missions. In the text he states, “Mission does not originate with human sources, for ultimately it is not a human enterprise” (14). This is a biblical truth, which is stated in this manner, “ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you” (John 15:16).

When one examines this scripture it speaks of God being the initiator of the mission. Van Rheenen reiterates this point when he writes, “God the originator of the mission of deliverance, then sought a person to carry out his mission” (15). He sums up the mission in this way, God is the originator of the mission, Jesus Christ enacted the mission, the Holy Spirit gives power to the mission the church (each of us individually) carries the mission and the world hears the mission (18).

Since this mission is originated with God there are some significant points that should be understood. According to Van Rheenen, the mission first flows from God to us and does not originate in us. Since the mission is from God, he will equip and empower the believer. The Holy Spirit gives power for the mission that God originated and Jesus came and enacted. The Spirit also gives the minister and/or pastor the freedom to understand themselves in the sovereignty of God.

The minister or pastor that starts with the understanding that this mission or ministry is God’s can focus on God and not on self. Paul warns us of this in scripture when he writes, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3). I must always contend to keep my focus on God so that I do not lose the heart of the calling, which is to do the mandate of God.

With this understanding and with great vigilance, I set about being careful as the scripture says, “He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory; but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him” (John 7:18). This scripture implies to me that what I do in ministry must always, without fail, line up with what God is calling me to do. It does not matter how good an idea may sound, I must still seek God’s guidance to see if this is his directive.

God is the originator of the mission; therefore he knows what is needed in every situation. I could gain a false sense of comfort if I do things right and begin to rely on my own understanding, but this is not wisdom at work in my life. God’s word warns against relying on my thoughts. I can find comfort in any area of uncertainty by knowing that since this is God’s mission, it will succeed. I must, however, be willing to understand success from God’s perspective. His success may not mean that I will pastor a large congregation or that I will be well known and sought out to speak at big events and important functions. It might mean that I am a pastor that is obedient to God and not known by anyone other than those I lead. Yet, if this is the mission God is calling me to, then I can go forward with confidence that it will be accomplished.

This mission (ministry) or work of God is to reconcile sinful men and women to himself. Christ is the center of this message and as one that accepts that mission I must always seek to place God center stage of everything I do. This is the significance of ministry beginning with God. If it begins with God and stays focused on God then a pastor/minister is able to be successful in taking the next step of now walking in the special call upon his/her life.

Cited Work

Thompson, Frank Charles, D.D., PH.D. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, 5th ed. Indianapolis, IN: B. B. Kirkbridge Bible Co., Inc., 1988.

Van Rheenen, Gailyn. Biblical Foundations & Contemporary Strategies: Missions, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Words of Encouragement

My Time With God

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11

God's Plan. As I sit down each Saturday morning to prepare "The Words of Encouragement", I seek God to find out what he wants us to hear from him.  This week, we will take time to prepare our hearts for the Christmas season.

This scripture is from the prophet Jeremiah to the disobedient people of God.  He has told them again and again about God's requirement for them to change. He also gives them this encouragement to let them know that God has a plan for them.

God is telling them through Jeremiah that this correction on your life is not to destroy you but to correct you and to give you a plan that will prosper you, give you a future and a hope.  We can take this scripture today and begin to ask God, what is it that you require of me?  God what must I do to line up with the plans you have for my life? As we prepare for this season let us take the time to ask these questions: (1) What is your plan for my life? (2) What must I do so that someone can see Christ in me during this time like they have never seen you before?

Prayer: Lord if my own disobedience has caused me to move from the place you have called me to, help me to turn back to your way.  I thank you that you have a plan for me.  During this season we celebrate let us see your plan for our lives and walk in it.

Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. - 2 Corinthians 7:1

Holiness. One of the most important things we can seek during our time with God is a purified life.  God is calling for our lives to be set aside from whatever would contaminate body and spirit.

I went shopping on "Black Friday".  I was going because I wanted to get a special gift for my husband.  We went to Walmart and as soon as we went in, we turned around and went back out the door.  We ended up going to Target to get what I wanted.  What I saw and heard bothered me.  I saw people pushing, cursing and shouting at others.  I heard about someone being slapped.  I also saw on the news about the man that was trampled and killed at Walmart in New York.  Is this Walmart's fault or is there something wrong with us?  We cannot blame these activities only on the "unsaved" because believers too are sometimes caught up in the rush as well.  So what did I learn from this.  I asked, what does any of these have to do with Christmas?

I'm not saying we should not buy gifts and share this time with our family but let us not become so caught up in the modernity of our world. Holiness is what we need to exhibit even when we find ourselves in our modern world situations.  Anything that would draw away from Christ in Christmas needs to be those things that we stay away from.  Let us ask ourselves some questions in our time with God. (1) How do I show your holy presence to those around me? (2) what things should I do to allow you to purify me and draw me closer to what you are calling me to be?

Prayer: Lord help me to live holy.  Help me during this season to exhibit attributes that reflect you at work, at school or wherever you send me.  Help me not to show the selfishness of modernity but the holiness of you.

Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? - James 2:15-16

Service. God gives so much into our lives.  He opens up provisions for us and he does it to show us his love.  If God is willing to show his love for us, then he requires us to show our love for others.  That may call for us to be willing to sacrifice for others even in the midst of our needs. We often buy presents for those we love but how often do we really stop and ask God, who do I need to support during this season to reflect your love?  We need to ask ourselves some questions during our time with God. (1) Do I support your people as you desire? (2) What is my special assignment for this Christmas to show someone to the savior?

Prayer: Lord you my provision.  Your love for me is evident every day of my life.  Lord help me to give back out of the same love.  Help me to be of service to your purpose and your people.  Help me not only to pray for the needs of others but help me to be actively involved in the solution.  This season help me make a difference to someone that is losing hope.  Help me to restore someone to a place of hopefulness in you.

 In everything that he undertook in the service of God's temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered. - 2 Chronicles 31:21

Worship. People sometimes become comfortable trusting in what they know.  We all do it.  We have our routines that we follow every day.  If something comes along and changes those routines we become flustered or upset.  Yet, we do not realize that it is God's hand that allows the upset.  Why does he doe it?  He wants us to remember that he is still in control.  That is what happens with our worship and our time of corporate worship.  We become comfortable in doing what we know and if anything comes along and changes that we become flustered. What we do is we instead try to keep things under our own control and in doing so, we hinder God's Spirit.

What we need to do instead is as the scripture says, we need to wholeheartedly seek God's direction.  In everything we do we should ask God what does he require of us?  When we do that we may be surprised at the direction he may take us.  He may call for us to change things up or he may call for us to pray more, sing more and simply worship more.  In my time with God I should seek to find out what God is requiring of me in my personal worship as well as my time with the body of believers.  The question I should ask myself are: (1) What can I do in my time alone with you to prepare my heart for corporate worship? (2) Do I have the right attitude regarding worship when I come together with the body? (3) How can my yielding myself completely help to influence others to do the same?

Prayer: Lord, I give you my heart.  I give you my complete self.  There is no part of myself that I hold apart from you.  I live for you alone.  Every breath I take, ever moment is for you.  I was created to worship you.  Lord help me during my time with you to have a greater understanding of how to worship you.  Help us as a body to worship you more completely.  When we do we will prosper in our spirits, in our love and in our life.

One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. - Psalm 145:4-5

Witness. We know this can be the busiest time of the year with parties, family and church gatherings and so much more. Yet it is also one of the most important times of the year (along with Easter) that we can share our testimony.  During this season can we plan to tell someone about the gift of Christ?  We can tell but even more importantly we can exhibit in our lives the truth of or salvation.  Are we loving?  Are we caring?  Do people see us and see Jesus?  Or are we like the frantic crowd of people so set on getting what they want that the do not take the time to see who they are trampling under foot?  Let us speak of the glorious splendor of our savior.  In your time with God ask these questions, (1) Open up to me this day who I can tell about you. (2) Who have you given me as an assignment that I have ignored? (3) What are you requiring from me during that season different from any other time of the year?

Prayer: Lord today help me to be a witness to someone coming behind.  Help me tell someone about the goodness of you.  Help me to spread cheer to the overworked cashier. Help me to say thank you to the unappreciated teacher.  Help me during this time to take my eyes off the pursuit of my own ideas and to have a vision that sees the world your way.  Help me to be the avenue that the gift of light is given to someone that is grappling in the darkness.